Keep Bread Fresh
Bread is one of the most wasted foods in the UK and that’s largely because we don’t eat our crusts and we waste stale bread rather than using it to make other delicious things like bread and butter pudding. I mean who doesn’t love bread and butter pudding!?!
But the way to reduce food waste and get the most value for money from your loaf is to make sure you keep your bread fresh for longer.
Bread in a plastic bag with a seal on it is the optimal way to carry bread back from the shop and keep it hygienic to eat. It’s also the optimal way to store bread and keep it fresh for longer too. Your bagged bread has a best before date on the seal but this doesn’t mean it’s a ‘throw away by’ date! So here’s a few tips on making the most of your bread and helping reduce bread waste.
- Make sure you keep the bread bag sealed up using the resealable tape seal that is on most bagged bread.
- Store it in a cool dark place – like a kitchen cupboard or bread bin!
- Best not stored in the fridge though
- If you only need half or part of a loaf why not bag up the rest and put it in the freezer for when you do need it
- Frozen bread can be taken out of the freezer slice by slice as you need it and goes straight into the toaster, no need to defrost it
If there is some bread you haven’t used and it’s a bit too stale for a sandwich, there are loads of recipes for using it up. Take a look on the BBC Good Food site for some ideas
And thanks to Love Food Hate Waste for their great site on making the most of food so we reduce the amount of food going to landfill. It’s got to be good for the planet.